International Caroline Neuber Scholarship of the City of Leipzig

International Caroline Neuber Scholarship of the City of Leipzig

Award ceremony

Tuesday, 05. November 2019, 7.30 - 21.45 p.m. Thursday, 05. November 2020 // 8.45 - approx. 9.30 p.m.
(only with card to "Sideways rain")
Schauspielhaus / Große Bühne

    The fellowship honors a contemporary understanding of theater that sees theater as both a place and a medium for social understanding and dialogue at the center of urban societies. The focus is on young European artists whose work sets standards in the spirit of the German actress and theater principal Friederike Caroline Neuber (1697-1760), who worked primarily in Leipzig. The fellowship expands the Caroline Neuber Prize, which has been awarded since 1998.

    The nominated artists:

    – Marie Gourdain, Prag

    – Elisabeth Kindler-Abali, Berlin

    – Lulu Obermayer, Munich

    – Renana Raz, Tel Aviv

    – Doris Uhlich, Vienna

    – Inbal Yomtovian, Nizza / Jerusalem

    The winners of the Caroline Neuber Award:

    – 1998 Jutta Hoffmann, Actress

    – 2000 Inge Keller, Actress

    – 2002 Constanze Lauterbach, Director

    – 2004 Nele Hertling, Intendant Hebbel-Theater Berlin

    – 2006 Karin Henkel, Director

    – 2008 Ann-Elisabeth Wolff, Festival Director euro-scene Leipzig

    – 2010 Sasha Waltz, Choreographer

    – 2012 Amelie Deuflhard, Intendant Kampnagel, Hamburg

    – 2014 Gisela Höhne, Director, Artistic Director RambaZamba Theater, Berlin

    – 2016 Monika Gintersdorfer, Director

    Archive 2020

    30th Festival Year