Dance from Budapest / Rita Góbi & Ferenc Fehér (Hungary)

Friday, 06. November 2020 // 10.00 - 11.45 p.m.
Saturday, November 07, 2020 // 10.00 - 11.45 p.m.
LOFFT – Das Theater

    German premiere

    Rita Góbi created a humorous solo with “Ne hisztizz! (“Don’t worry!”), a humorous solo that expands into a duet with the rhythms of percussionist Dávid Szegő. Since its premiere in 2014, it has been invited to many festivals. The relationship between dance and music is also the playful power struggle of a couple.

    Born in 1983 in Novi Sad / Serbia, Rita Góbi studied dance in Budapest and worked in various companies. In 2006 she founded the Góbi Dance Company, for which she has choreographed 13 pieces so far. For “Ne hisztizz!” Rita Góbi was awarded as best Hungarian contemporary dancer in 2015.

    In his solo “Imago” Ferenc Fehér maintains the unmistakable mixture of dance, physical theater and freestyle. He was also inspired by movements of animals.

    Calm alternates with restlessness, one senses a danger and the struggle of man from birth to death. Ferenc Fehér received a special prize from the Veszprém Dance Festival in 2017 for this solo.

    Ferenc Fehér was born in Debrecen in 1975 and is one of Hungary’s most important choreographers. He was a performer with the theater group Finita la Commedia in Budapest. Since 2007 he has created about 25 of his own pieces. He has performed at numerous festivals in Europe, North and Central America and Asia. At euro-scene Leipzig in 2016, he showed “Helló, Zombi!” (“Hello, Zombie!”, 2015) and 2018 “Állomás” (“Station”, 2017).

    From 14 years

    Unit price 18,00 €

    »Ne hisztizz!«:

    Premiere: 16.05.2014, MU Színház (MU Theater), Budapest

    Production: Góbi Dance Company


    Premiere: 26.05.2017, Festival of Dance (Tanzfestival), Latinovits-Bujtor Playhouse, Veszprém

    Production: Ferenc Fehér / Co-production: Katlan Csoport, Budapest

    Archive 2020

    30th Festival Year