Vogelsang meets Hoyer

Vogelsang meets Hoyer

Nils Freyer, Berlin (Germany)

Wednesday, 04. November 2020 // 10.00 - 11.30 pm
Thursday, 05. November 2020 // 10.00 - 11.30 pm
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    This evening shows the reconstruction of two important choreographies:

    The “Five Preludes from the Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach” by Marianne Vogelsang combine the crystalline structure of the music with sensitivity of movement. Marianne Vogelsang (1912-73) studied with Gret Palucca in Dresden. In addition to her solo dance career, she worked in theaters and taught. She choreographed the 1st Prelude in 1935 and danced it in Berlin. She created the following preludes in 1971-73.

    The five-part solo cycle “Affectos humanos” (“Human Passions”) by Dore Hoyer was created according to the doctrine of affects by the Dutch philosopher Baruch de Spinoza (1632-77). The expressive and dramatic dances are entitled “Vanity”, “Desire”, “Hatred”, “Fear” and “Love”. Dore Hoyer (1911-67) studied dance at the Palucca School in Dresden and worked as a soloist, ballet mistress and director.

    Nils Freyer, born in Berlin, received his dance training at the Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin and the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch, Berlin. He has danced in numerous choreographies, taught classical and modern dance, including at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music, Berlin, and is involved with German expressive dance.

    From 14 years

    Unit price 18,00 €

    Shuttle bus: From the Schauspielhaus

    Departure 21.30 to Schaubühne Lindenfels / afterwards back

    Vogelsang meets Hoyer: Premiere: 13.05.2018, Akademie der Künste, Berlin



    “Five Preludes from the Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach”:

    First performance: 1935, Berlin / 1971-73, Dresden

    Premiere of the reconstruction: 29.09.2016, Societaetstheater Dresden

    “Affectos humanos”: first performance: 1962, Essen / © German Dance Archive, Cologne

    Premiere of the reconstruction: 13.05.2018, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

    The guest performance in Leipzig is made possible by Tanzfonds Erbe – an initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

    Five Preludes from the Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach

    Choreography: Marianne Vogelsang
    Dance: Nils Freyer
    Piano: Ulrike Buschendorf

    Affectos humanos (Human Passions)

    Choreography: Dore Hoyer
    Music: Dimitri Wiatowitsc
    Dance: Nils Freyer
    Piano: Ulrike Buschendorf
    Drums: Marco Philipp

    Introduction: Prof. Dr. Ralf Stabel, Berlin

    Archive 2020

    30th Festival Year