La curva (The curve)

La curva (The curve)

Israel Galván, Sevilla, Spain

Sunday 10. Nov. // 7.30 – 8.45 p.m. / Final Night
From 12 years

    • Dance

    Dance piece

    Towers were built from stacked chairs, which unexpectedly collapse. On the left a grand piano, on the right a table. Moments of silence, darkness, concentration on the essential. Israel Galván immerses himself in the world of the explorer, rediscovering the core of flamenco, stripping it of all ornamental accessories. Deconstruction and uncovering of the roots make this dance, burdened by clichés, suddenly appear as an abstract, modern art form.

    Israel Galván – an exceptional dancer. In everyday life rather inconspicuous, slender and pale, on stage he transforms into a possessed dancer, unique in his kind and celebrated all over the world. In »La curva« (»The Curve«) he enters into a dialogue with the excellent Swiss pianist Sylvie Courvoisier, who has lived in New York since 1998 and is known above all as a specialist in contemporary music and jazz, as well as with the two well-known flamenco artists Inés Bacán and Bobote.

    Israel Galván, born in 1973 in Seville, Andalusia, grew up in the tradition of flamenco. He learned as a child from his father, the dancer José Galván, and from his mother Eugenia de los Reyes. In 1994 he danced in the Compañía Andaluza de Danza and in 1998 he founded his own company. Among his most important pieces are “Tábula Rasa” (2006), »El final de este estado de cosas, redux« (»The end of this state of things, redux«, 2008) and »Lo real« (»The real«, 2012). He made a guest appearance at euro-scene Leipzig in 2011 with »Solo«.

    Uraufführung: 07.12.2010, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne
    Produktion: A Negro Producciones – Chema Blanco & Cisco Casado, Sevilla
    Koproduktion: Théâtre de la Ville, Paris

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch die Botschaft von Spanien, Berlin.

    Konzeption, Choreografie und musikalische Leitung: Israel Galván

    Inszenierung: Txiki Berraondo

    Komposition: Sylvie Courvoisier

    Lichtdesign: Rubén Camacho

    Tänzer: Israel Galván

    Pianistin: Sylvie Courvoisier

    Sängerin: Inés Bacán

    Rhythmische Begleitung: Bobote

    Archive 2013

    23rd Festival Year