Deveta (The ninth)

Deveta (The ninth)

Via Negativa / Bojan Jablanovec, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Wednesday, 07. November 2018 // 10.00 – 11.15 p.m.
Thursday, 08. November 2018 // 7.30 – 8.45 p.m.

    The Symphony No. 9 by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) is one of the most popular works of classical music and is considered the epitome of humanism. Beethoven selected the poem »An die Freude« (»Ode to joy«) by Friedrich Schiller as the text for the last movement. It was played at the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is performed by all the world’s major orchestras throughout the year. In 1985, its fourth movement was selected by the European Union to be Europe’s hymn. Without a doubt, it is a fascinating work. Pathos and harmony, festivity, solemnity –it can be used for all purposes.

    The piece »Deveta« (»The ninth«) is a performative commentary on this musical masterpiece, it poses questions on the power of music and its abuse. Five people transform from average individuals who disrobe over time and thus lose their individuality to horses as iconographic figures. Reality clashes brutally with the glorifying sounds of a better world. The piece is based on motifs from the book »L’aperto. L’uomo e l’animale« (»The open: man and animal«, 2002) by the Italian philosopher and author Giorgio Agamben.

    Bojan Jablanovec, born in Murska Sobota in 1961, graduated from the theatre academy of the University of Ljubljana. From 1993-99, he directed at various Slovenian theatres. In 2002, he founded Via Negativa, an international platform for contemporary performing arts and performance, which he has been directing to the present day. Via Negativa developed over 50 pieces, projects and numerous workshops that have been shown in 24 European countries and the USA.

    From 16 years

    22,00 € (red. 17,00 €)

    World première: 08.10.2016, Body/Mind Festival, Nowy Teatr, Warsaw


    Production: Via Negativa

    Co-Production: JaJaJa NeNeNe Association, Warsaw

    The guest performance in Leipzig will take place with the kind support of Slovenian Cultural Centre, Berlin.

    Concept and staging: Bojan Jablanovec, conceived and elaborated by the compagnie

    Choreographic supervision: Anita Wach

    Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Sinfonie Nr. 9, d-Moll, op. 125 (Berliner Philharmoniker, Conducter: Herbert von Karajan, 1963)

    Horse masks: Barbara Stupica

    Video: Ana Čigon

    Light design: Igor Remeta

    Actors: Magdalena Tuka, Anita Wach, Loup Abramovici, Jaka Lah, Grega Zorc

    Archive 2018

    28th Festival Year