Das Missverständnis (The misunderstanding)

Das Missverständnis (The misunderstanding)

Volkstheater Wien (Showcase Nikolaus Habjan / Österreich)
Theatre play by Albert Camus

Saturday, 12. November 2016 // 7.30 – 9.15 p.m.
Schauspielhaus / Große Bühne

    • Theatre

    Jan, the son of the house, was long considered lost. After 20 years, he finally returns home and rents a room in his mother’s and sister’s hotel under a false name. He wants to observe the situation from under cover and find out what home and the family mean to him. He has no idea of the murderous acts that the women perform to secure their livelihood. Mother and sister have lost all moral scruples, and they don’t know who their new guest really is …

    In his drama »Le malentendu« (»The misunderstanding«), which premiered 1944 in a Paris that was occupied by Nazis, Albert Camus deals with the question of home and exile with the power of a classic tragedy. Here he contrasts Europe’s power of destruction with a vision of a free human existence; the synonym for this is the land next to the sea.

    Nikolaus Habjan stages the piece with three expressive, human-sized puppets that proceed to merge with the actors over time. They are more threatening and bestial than any human mime could be. The drama becomes a criminal piece, a thriller with a ghoulish atmosphere reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock.

    Albert Camus is one of the most important French authors of the 20th century. He was born in Algeria, which was then occupied by France, as the son of French-Spanish immigrants in 1913. He wrote novels, essays and theatre texts and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957. In 1960 he died close to Paris in a car crash.

    Ab 14 Jahre

    28,00 / 24,00 / 18,00 € (erm. 24,00 / 19,00 / 13,00 €

    Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung findet 21.45 Uhr ein Künstlerportrait mit Nikolaus Habjan statt.
    Schauspielhaus / Garderobenfoyer, Eintritt frei.

    Wiener Premiere: 23.10.2015, Volkstheater Wien

    Kontakt: www.volkstheater.at

    Übernahme vom Schauspielhaus Graz (Premiere 17.10.2014)

    Kontakt: www.nikolaushabjan.com

    Produktion: Volkstheater Wien, Übernahme vom Schauspielhaus Graz

    Rowohlt Theater Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Österreichische Kulturforum Berlin.

    HINWEIS: Am 09. Nov., 16.30 Uhr, »Lo straniero« (»Der Fremde«), Film von Luchino Visconti nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Albert Camus.

    Inszenierung: Nikolaus Habjan

    Puppenbau: Nikolaus Habjan, Marianne Meinl

    Musik: Kyrre Kvam

    Bühnenbild: Jakob Brossmann

    Kostüme: Cedric Mpaka

    Video: Johannes Hammel

    Lichtdesign: Günter Zaworka

    Darsteller*innen und Puppenspiel: Hanna Binder, Sabrina Ceesay, Bettina Kerl, Linshalm, Tim Breyvogel, Tilman Rose

    Einführung vor der Vorstellung: Nikolaus Habjan, Wien,
    und Marie Rötzer, Intendantin Landestheater Niederösterreich, St. Pölten

    Archive 2016

    26th Festival Year