Die Räder im Getriebe (the wheels in motion)(2015)

Die Räder im Getriebe (the wheels in motion)(2015)

For the 6th time: Insight into stage technology

Friday, 06. November // 3.30 – ca. 4.30 p.m.
Ab 12 Jahre
Schauspielhaus / Start: Baustelle
Eintritt frei / Kostenlose Zählkarten
Anmeldung erbeten an der Festivalkasse

  • Guided tour
  • Guided tour

Technical tour

Stage technology – a secret. Stage technology – invisible to most audience members. During the performances, the audience simply sees the stage design, hears the music, sees the lighting effects. The presentation lasts one and a half hours, while the technical work from the unloading of the stage design until the beginning of the performance often lasts two days.

In 2010, euro‑scene Leipzig was received with great interest when it provided a first look into technical work behind the scenes. Over the course of the last five years, the tour has developed into a very popular part of the programme. This year features the installation of the piece »En avant, marche!« (»Forward, march!«) by Alain Platel and Frank Van Laecke – a guest performance by NTGent & les ballets C de la B from the Flemish city of Ghent. But the tour will lead through the entire Schauspielhaus and provide insights into technical processes in general.

Foto: Technische Einrichtung im Schauspielhaus

Conception and guide: Bernd E. Gengelbach, co-director and technical director euro-scene Leipzig, and Günter Gruber, technical director Schauspiel Leipzig

Archive 2015

25th festival