En avant, marche! (Forward, march!)

En avant, marche! (Forward, march!)

NTGent & les ballets C de la B, Ghent

Saturday, 07. November 2015 // 7.30 – 9.15 p.m.
Ab 14 Jahre
28,00 / 24,00 / 18,00 €(erm. 24,00 / 19,00 / 13,00 €)

    • Theatre

    Theatre play

    An old trombone player is sick, the diagnosis is: cancer of the throat. He will no longer be able to play his beloved instrument. Banished to the last row of the brass band, he feels lonely, but it is the band that saves him from total depression.

    The piece »En avant, marche!« (»Forward, march!«) is dedicated to the topic of the brass bands that still exist today in nearly every village and that exercise an important social function. Brass bands continue to represent a microcosm of society. First conceived of as a spoken word performance, the piece increasingly develops into a piece of music theatre with compositions of Beethoven, Mahler, Verdi, Elgar and the U.S. brass band sound. Alongside seven musicians from Flanders, a brass band from the respective city of the guest performance is always part of the piece.

    Alain Platel, born in 1956 and resident in Flemish Ghent till today, numbers amongst the most important choreographers of our time. In 1984 he founded the company les ballets C de la B. Together with author and director Frank Van Laecke he developed the successful piece »Gardenia« (2010). At euro‑scene Leipzig Alain Platel has already shown eight pieces, among them »La tristeza complice« (»The shared sorrow«, 1996), »Bernadetje« (1997), »Iets op Bach« (»Oddments on Bach«, 1998), »Allemaal Indiaan« (»Everyone is an Indian«, 2000), »pitié!« (»Have mercy!«, 2008) and »tauberbach« (2014).

    Uraufführung: 22.04.2015, NTGent
    Kontakt: www.ntgent.be / www.lesballetscdela.be

    Produktion: NTGent & les ballets C de la B
    Koproduktion: La Rose des Vents, Lille / TorinoDanza, Turin / Théâtre national de Chaillot, Paris / Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg / Festspielhaus St. Pölten / Ludwigsburger Schlossfest-spiele / Festival Printemps des Comédiens, Montpellier / Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu (Kroatisches Nationaltheater Zagreb) / Le Maillon, Straßburg / GREC-Festival de Barcelona / KVS Brussel / Brisbane Festival / Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne

    Konzeption und Inszenierung: Frank Van Laecke, Alain Platel

    Musikauswahl und Bearbeitung: Steven Prengels

    Darsteller: Griet Debacker, Chris Thys, Hendrik Lebon, Wim Opbrouck

    Musiker: Lies Vandeburie (Bügelhorn), Jan D’Haene (Trompete), Niels Van Heertum (Euphonium), Jonas Van Hoeydonck (Trompete), Simon Hueting (Horn), Witse Lemmens (Schlagzeug), Gregory Van Seghbroeck (Basstuba), Mitglieder der Orchester Holzhausen und Liebertwolkwitz / beide Leipziger Umland

    Dirigent: Steven Prengels

    In Flemish and other languages with German subtitles

    Archive 2015

    25th festival