Herbst Zeit Lose

Herbst Zeit Lose

Workshop Dr. Martina Bako, Leipzig-Berlin
On the topic of crossing over

Tuesday, 06. November // 15.00 – 17.30 Uhr (Part I)
Wednesday, 07. November – Friday, 09. November // 10.00 – 15.30 Uhr (Part II-IV)
Saturday, 10. November // 10.00 – 13.30 Uhr (Part V) / 14.30 – ca. 15.30 Uhr (Public presentation)
Café-Restaurant Telegraph / Club

    This workshop is intended for daring creatives from all areas of the performing arts (performance, dance, theatre, music) as well as visual artists and experimental crossovers.

    Please bring some of your own ideas about the theme »autumn crocus«, especially concerning the topic of crossing over (e. g. a text, photos, videos, sculptures, an elaborated series of movements / gestures, an instrument, a song). The creative ideas will be tried out and implemented scenically or gesturally within a choreographic framework. The results will be shown in a public presentation to an audience.

    Dr. Martina Bako, born in 1952 in Dortmund, studied theatre, film and television studies, philosophy and German studies in Cologne as well as acting and directing in New York. She has acted in and directed numerous projects in the USA, Italy and Germany. She has taught at the Institute for Theatre Studies of the University of Leipzig since 1999 and has participated in the fringe programme of euro-scene Leipzig since 1998.

    Ab 14 Jahren

    (Participation fee, Public presentation: free entrance)

    Anmeldung (bis 31. Okt. 2012): info@euro-scene.de

    Archive 2012

    22nd festival