Stato di grazia (State of Grace) / La fine ha dimenticato il principio (The end forgot its beginning)
Plumes dans la tête, Treviso
Two Performances
Saturday, 10. November 2012 // 19.30 – 21.00 Uhr
Sunday, 11. November 2012 // 17.00 – 18.30 Uhr
Schaubühne Lindenfels
German première
»Autumn crocus« – Lost and alone, a person tells the story of his sexual development. As a man, he cannot truly be a man and finds no satisfaction with women. At the end, all that remains is purgatory, which, according to the Catholic Church, presents the only path to God’s mercy for the deceased after atoning for one’s sins.
The story »Stato di grazia« (»State of grace«) is taken from the book »Psychopathia sexualis« (1886) written by the German psychiatrist and forensic doctor Richard von Krafft-Ebing. He describes sexual deviations on the basis of case studies.
The performance »La fine ha dimenticato il principio« (»The end forgot its beginning«) is also about a disorder; the movement disorder dystonia. The figure of the shepherd god Pan, presented in Greek mythology as a combination of a human and a goat, finds himself in a duel with himself.
Silvia Costa, born in 1984 in Treviso, studied visual arts and acting at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura in Venice. Since 2006 she has worked with the company Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio as actress and as assistant in numerous productions by Romeo Castellucci. Together with the musician and composer Lorenzo Tomio she founded the company Plumes dans la tête (French for Feathers in the head) in 2007.
Ab 18 Jahren
In italienischer Sprache mit deutscher Übertitelung
Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung am 10. Nov. findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt, an dem auch Romeo Castellucci teilnehmen wird.
Moderation: Dr. Martina Bako, Leipzig
»Stato di grazia« – Uraufführung: 01.09.2011, Crisalide XVIII, Forlì
»La fine ha dimenticato il principio« – Uraufführung: 16.09.2012, Crisalide XIX, Forlì
Produktionen: DADAprod, Turin
Konzeption und Choreografien: Silvia Costa
Musik: Lorenzo Tomio
Lichtdesign: Fabio Berselli
Stato di grazia
(Stand der Gnade)
Text: Silvia Costa nach Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Bühnenbild: Vito Matera
Darstellerin: Silvia Costa
La fine ha dimenticato il principio
(Das Ende vergaß seinen Anfang)
Video: Elisa Fabris
Tänzer: Juri Roverato