

Familie Flöz, Berlin
Mask theatre

Saturday, 10. November 2012 // 19.30 – 21.00 Uhr
Sunday, 11. November 2012 // 17.00 – 18.30 Uhr

    »Autumn crocus« – the first and last moments in an endgame with life and death at stake. »Infinita« (Italian for Infinity) deals with the great miracles of life: the first courageous steps into the world, the first bold crash, the growing old, death and ephemerality. A funeral procession as a shadow play, small children in diapers, sprightly retirees in a nursing home – amusing and entertaining, captivatingly performed. Theatre without words, even though one could swear that the performers spoke. This theatrical masterwork summons up tears of emotion and laughter at the same time.

    The actual fascination of Familie Flöz rests in masks. This theatre is absolutely unique in Europe. The masks are strangely abstract and form a link between antiquity and modernity. Added to this are elements of movement theatre with virtuoso mastery of the body and the fast changing of roles by the performers.

    Familie Flöz was founded in 1994 as a small group of theatre and mime students at Folkwang Hochschule Essen by Hajo Schüler and Michael Vogel. These two artists continue to lead Familie Flöz till today. The group moved to Berlin in 2001.

    Numerous guest performances have taken the company to theatres and festivals throughout all of Europe. Besides »Infinita«, their most successful pieces are »Ristorante Immortale« (1998, Essen), »Teatro Delusio« (2004, Berlin) and »Hotel Paradiso« (2008, Stuttgart).

    »The biggest secret of the production … is the phenomenal effect of the masks. Shaped by a genial puppeteer’s hand as an absurd alienation of reality, the actors seduce the audience with their physical movements into believe that their masks are living faces … capturing both how cruel as well as hilarious life can be« (Brigitte Jähningen, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 13.01.2007).

    Ab 12 Jahren

    Am 11. Nov., 11.30 Uhr, wird der ARTE-Dokumentarfilm »Hinter der Maske – Das Theater der Familie Flöz« von Martin Uhrmeister gezeigt.
    Moderation: Michael Steindl, Künstlerischer Leiter Schauspiel, Theater Duisburg

    Uraufführung: 05.10.2006, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
    Produktion: Familie Flöz / Admiralspalast, Berlin / Theaterhaus Stuttgart

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig wird ermöglicht durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN), München, im Rahmen der Gastspielförderung Theater aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie der Kultur- und Kunstministerien der Länder.

    Konzeption: Björn Leese, Benjamin Reber, Hajo Schüler, Michael Vogel

    Inszenierung: Michael Vogel und Hajo Schüler

    Musik: Dirk Schröder, Benjamin Reber

    Masken: Hajo Schüler

    Bühnenbild: Michael Ottopal

    Kostüme: Eliseu R. Weide

    Animation und Video: Silke Meyer, Andreas Dihm

    Lichtdesign: Reinhard Hubert

    Darsteller: Björn Leese, Benjamin Reber, Hajo Schüler, Michael Vogel

    Archive 2012

    22nd festival