Sul concetto di volto nel figlio di Dio (On the concept of the face, regarding the son of God)

Sul concetto di volto nel figlio di Dio (On the concept of the face, regarding the son of God)

Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, Cesena

Tuesday, 06. November 2012 // 19.30 – 20.30 Uhr (opening night)
Wednesday, 07. November 2012 // 19.30 – 20.30 Uhr

    »Autumn crocus« – the former child cares for the father who has again become a child himself. The son, wearing a shirt and tie within an elegant, white interior, is just about to leave for work. He changes his aged father’s diaper, full of shame regarding his helplessness, the old man endlessly apologises and cries. The son, increasingly distraught, tries to reassure him lovingly.

    An enormous portrait of Jesus Christ of the Renaissance painter Antonello da Messina looks down mildly and mutely on the events, both the observed and the observer. The painting illuminates the course of human actions and the fragility of being human almost like a spotlight. »Sul concetto di volto nel figlio di Dio« (»On the concept of the face, regarding the son of God«) is one of the most impressive pieces of theatre in recent years. It has been presented at all of the most important festivals throughout Europe and has triggered significant discussions.

    Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio is one of the most important and radical theatre groups of contemporary European theatre. It was founded in 1981 by Romeo Castellucci, who was born in 1960 in Cesena (near Bologna). He combines spoken and physical theatre, music, opera, painting, imagery and new technologies. The company was already repeatedly invited to euro-scene Leipzig: »Giulio Cesare« (»Julius Caesar«, 1997), »Voyage au bout de la nuit« (»Journey to the end of the night«, 2000), »Buchettino« (»Tom thumb«, 2005), »Hey girl!«(2007) and »Storia contemporanea dell’Africa. Vol. III« (»History of contemporary Africa. Part III«, 2010).

    »Theatre used to need scandal. In this case, the church people are seeking to encourage it. In order to protect something that has slipped away from them – the souls and the emotions of their contemporaries. The art is closer to the people« (Rüdiger Schaper, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 07.03.2012).

    Ab 14 Jahren

    Text passages in Italian, translation in German in the evening programme

    Am 06. Nov. findet im Anschluss ein öffentlicher Empfang statt.

    Am 07. Nov. findet im Anschluss ein Publikumsgespräch statt. Moderation: Dr. Martina Bako, Leipzig

    Am 09. Nov., 14.00 Uhr, wird eine Gesamtaufzeichnung der Oper »Parsifal« von Richard Wagner, inszeniert von Romeo Castellucci am Opernhaus Théâtre de la Monnaie, Brüssel, gezeigt.
    Romeo Castellucci wird selbst anwesend sein. Moderation: Peter Korfmacher, Leipzig

    Uraufführung: 15.07.2010, Zollverein, Festival THEATER DER WELT, Essen
    Produktion: Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
    Koproduktion: Theater der Welt 2010, Essen / deSingel, Antwerpen / Théâtre National de Bretagne, Rennes / Nationalteatret, Oslo / Barbican London and SPILL Festival of Performance / Internatio­nales Theaterfestival Tschechow, Moskau / Holland Festival, Amsterdam / Athen Festival / Festival Grec 2011, Barcelona / Festival d’Avignon / Dialog, Wrocaw / BITEF, Belgrad / Foreign Affairs – Berliner Festspiele / Théâtre de la Ville, Paris / Romaeuropa Festival, Rom / SPIELART München / Le Maillon, Strasbourg / TAP (Théâtre & Auditorium de Poitiers) / Peak Performances, Montclair

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Berlin.

    Konzeption und Inszenierung: Romeo Castellucci

    Musik: Scott Gibbons

    Darsteller: Gianni Plazzi (Vater), Sergio Scarlatella (Sohn)
    unter Mitwirkung von Leipziger Kindern

    Archive 2012

    22nd festival