

She She Pop, Berlin
Verspätete Vorbereitungen zum Generationswechsel nach Lear

Saturday, 12. November 2011 // 19.30-21.30 Uhr
Sunday, 13. November 2011 // 16.00-18.00 Uhr
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    »Sound disturbance« – Two generations talk about their principles. Of all of the exchanges that we end up wrapped up in, the one between the generations is the most complicated. Value and counter value (that is, money and love) are generally veiled and no one has ever officially agreed to the terms of the exchange.

    The adult children, all of whom are about forty years old, negotiate with their (own) fathers, who are about seventy years old. The stage becomes a space for a humorous dialogue between the generations which is also marked by a deep seriousness. Legacy, age and love are discussed with words, gestures, song and dance, this preserving the difficult balance between exposure and distance.

    The point of departure for »Testament« (»Last will«) is the drama »King Lear« (London, 1606) by William Shakespeare. In it, the old king attempts to leave his kingdom to his three daughters and thus reach an agreement for his own old-age provision – a plan which fails violently.

    She She Pop is a company with seven members in Berlin and Hamburg which was founded in 1998 by graduates of the applied theatre studies programme in Gießen. The performances are marked by a dramaturgy open to coincidence. »Testament« received the 2010 Friedrich-Luft prize of the Berliner Morgenpost and was invited to the 2011 Berliner Theatertreffen.

    »Is ›Testament‹ really the highlight that everyone is raving about? Actually, this dramatic marvel must be beyond all competition; it is no longer realism anymore, it is reality. The broadcaster ARD should buy the play and put it on every Sunday instead of Anne Will« (Jan Küveler, Die Welt, Berlin, 16.05.2011).

    Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung am 12. Nov. kostenloser Shuttlebus zu Ring-Café und Werk 2

    Uraufführung: 25.02.2010, HAU 2 (Hebbel am Ufer), Berlin
    Kontakt: www.sheshepop.de
    Produktion: ehrliche arbeit, Berlin
    Koproduktion: She She Pop / Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin / Kampnagel Hamburg / FFT Düsseldorf
    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Nationale Performance Netzwerk (NPN), München, im Rahmen der Gastspielförderung Theater aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie der Kultur- und Kunstministerien der Länder.

    Text: She She Pop und ihre Väter, William Shakespeare

    Musikcollage: Christopher Uhe

    Bühnenbild: She She Pop, Sandra Fox

    Kostüme: Lea Soevsoe

    Lichtdesign: Michael Lentner

    Darsteller: Johanna Freiburg, Fanni und Peter Halmburger, Mieke Matzke (12.11.) / Berit Stumpf (13.11.) und Manfred Matzke, Ilia und Theo Papatheodorou

    Archive 2011

    21st festival