Abschlussball (Closing ball)

Abschlussball (Closing ball)

Sunday, 07. November // 22.00 Uhr – ca. 03.00 Uhr
Schaubühne Lindenfels

    You only celebrate your 20th birthday once… The anniversary of euro-scene Leipzig is the occasion for a closing ball – a bit prettier and more festive than a party. There will be a proper band and, after seeing so many dancers on the festival stages, there will finally be the opportunity to dance yourself. But no one has to; the classical ball dances will allow breaks for eating, drinking and conversation. Some of the festival artists will still be present before they depart on Monday … and there are already new names for 2011 …

    Black Coffee formed in 2004 during the funk session at the Leipzig jazz & music club Spizz. Regular rehearsal sessions and alternating session guests have led to the development of an improvisation-friendly, extremely groovy and excellently coordinated live band. Black Coffee has discovered an inexhaustible source of funk and already has a wide repertoire.

    Guest of honour:
    Wolfgang Tiefensee, Berlin/Leipzig, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, Bundesminister a. D., 1998-2005 Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Leipzig und Anhänger der euro-scene Leipzig

    With the music band Black Coffee, Leipzig

    / Katharina Helmke, Gesang
    / Tim Ludwig, Gitarre, Gesang
    / Hendrik Herchenbach, Bass, Bandleader
    / Andreas Schwaiger, Schlagzeug
    / Richard Brüggemann, E-Piano, Synthesizer
    / Roberto Fratta, Perkussion
    / Konrad Schreiter, Trompete
    / Johannes Moritz, Bariton-Saxophon
    / Stephan Krause, Posaune
    / Daniel Barke, Tenor-Saxophon

    Archive 2010

    20th festival