Žabáci – Sny starého dědka (Frogs – The dreams of the old)

Žabáci – Sny starého dědka (Frogs – The dreams of the old)

Divadlo Líšeň (Theater Líšeň), Brno

Sunday, 07. November // 11.00 – 12.00 Uhr and 14.30 – 15.30 Uhr
Kellertheater der Oper Leipzig

    German premie

    The Divadlo (theatre) Líšeň was founded in 1998 by Pavla Dombrovská and Luděk Vémola in the city of Brno in the Czech Republic. The ensemble is one of the leading children’s and puppet theatres in the Czech Republic and often gives guest performances abroad.

    A whimsical old man lives in a dark forest. He yearns for company and friendship. His imagination runs wild from loneliness and boredom: things start to become lively in his wooden house – the frog and the toad, fish and other animals come inside. They become his friends.

    The piece is based upon the story »Frog and toad« by the US children’s book author Arnold Lobel (1933-87). This latest production by Divadlo Líšeň premiered on 20.01.2009 in Brno.


    Konzeption, Text und Inszenierung: Pavla Dombrovská

    Deutsche Übersetzung: Wolfgang Spitzbardt

    Musik: Tomáš Vtípil

    Puppenbau und Bühnenbild: Antonín Maloň, Marika Bumbálková, Luděk Vémola

    Der Alte: Michal Bumbálek

    Darsteller: Petra Kryštofová, Júlia Zorkovská, Petr Jan Kryštof, Luděk Vémola

    In German language

    For children from 5 years and adults

    Archive 2010

    20th festival