On my skin

On my skin

Bernard Baumgarten / UnitControl
Dance from Luxembourg

Friday, 06 November 2009 // 7.30 – 9.15 p.m.
Saturday, 07 November 2009 // 10.00 – 11.45 p.m.

    German premier

    The dance scene in Luxembourg has undergone constant development in recent years. The Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois / TROIS C-L has played a decisive role in this. Bernard Baumgarten and Sylvia Camarda are among the best-known choreographers of this country.

    »On my skin« is a humorous dance piece about the phenomenon of human skin. It shows narcissism, the madness of youth, eroticism and affection but also addiction to distraction and superficiality. »Conscienza di terrore« (»Conscience of terror«) is about a young terrorist, who is confronted with his own visions in a detention centre. The current topic of Guantanamo Bay is abstracted through the figures of an angel and a musical idol.

    Bernard Baumgarten, who was born in Luxembourg in 1964, studied dance and dance education in Luxembourg, Nice and Paris. From 1990-93 he worked as dancer for S.O.A.P. Tanz Theater of Rui Horta in Frankfurt/Main. In 1995 he founded the company UnitControl. Since 2005 he has been artistic director of the Danz Festival Lëtzebuerg Le Transfrontalier and of TROIS C-L since 2007.

    Sylvia Camarda, who was born in Luxembourg in 1978, studied dance in London and Cannes. She danced with Koen Augustijnen, Ghent, from 2001-03, with the famous Cirque du Soleil, Montréal, from 2005-06 and in several plays by Jan Fabre, Antwerp, from 2005-09. In 2003 she founded the company missdeluxedanceco.

    Am 07. Nov., 14.30 Uhr, hält Bernard Baumgarten einen Videovortrag »Tanz in Luxemburg« in Anwesenheit von Sylvia Camarda.

    Bernard Baumgarten:

    Internetseite der Compagnie: www.danse.lu / www.unitcontrol.org

    Uraufführung: 28.05.2009, Danz Festival Lëtzebuerg Le Transfrontalier, opderschmelz, Dudelange

    Produktion: UnitControl / TROIS C-L / opderschmelz / Fondation Indépendance / Fonds Culturel National

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Ministère de la Culture, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, Luxemburg, und die Botschaft des Großherzogtums Luxemburg, Berlin.

    Inszenierung: Nikolaus Habjan

    Puppenbau: Nikolaus Habjan, Marianne Meinl

    Musik: Kyrre Kvam

    Bühnenbild: Jakob Brossmann

    Kostüme: Cedric Mpaka

    Video: Johannes Hammel

    Lichtdesign: Günter Zaworka

    Darsteller*innen und Puppenspiel: Hanna Binder, Sabrina Ceesay, Bettina Kerl, Linshalm, Tim Breyvogel, Tilman Rose

    Einführung vor der Vorstellung: Nikolaus Habjan, Wien,
    und Marie Rötzer, Intendantin Landestheater Niederösterreich, St. Pölten

    Archive 2009

    19th festival