Les corneilles (The crows)

Les corneilles (The crows)

Drawings by Josef Nadj

Tue. 04 Nov. – Fri. 07 Nov. // 11.00 a.m. – 08.00 p.m.
Sat. 08 Nov. – Sun. 09 Nov. // 10.00 a.m. – 06.00 p.m.
Galerie Irrgang

    Josef Nadj is not only one of the best known choreographers of the contemporary dance and theatre scene, but is also devoted to painting, sculpture and photography. Since his childhood he has painted and attended the art grammar school in Novi Sad, capital of his home Vojvodina in the former Yugoslavia, now Serbia. Later he studied art history and music at the Academy of fine arts and at the University of Budapest.

    On the field of visual arts his India ink cycle »Miniatures« from the year 2000 is best known so far. The new paintings »Les corneilles« (»The crows«), created by Josef Nadj in summer 2008, will be presented to the public during the euro-scene Leipzig for the first time.

    The gallery Irrgang was opened in 2006 by Hieronymus Wachter and Dirk Bolmerg at the Thomaskirchhof. The focus is on the different times of the style of art Leipziger Schule and current art events in Germany.

    Tue. 04 Nov. // 11.00 – about 12.30 a.m.
    Press conference for Festival opening
    and art opening (both open to the public)
    the artist will be present
    Introduction: Dr. Meinhard Michael, journalist and art historian, Leipzig

    archive 2008

    18th festival year