les ballets de ci de là

les ballets de ci de là

Film by Alain Platel

Friday 10. Nov. // 04:00 – about 06:30 p.m.
Festival centre at the theater fact

    20 Jahre Les Ballets C. de la B., Gent

    Les Ballets C. de la B., a collective of Flemish choreographers, was created 20 years ago through a friendly co-operation characterised by mutual interests. The company was founded by Alain Platel in 1986 and has since worked to create pieces and established a new style of theatre in Europe. At home in Flemish Ghent, Alain Platel has made a particular mark on the group, although there are always other choreographers working within the company as well.

    Alain Platel: »With the film, I wanted to take a look at the inside of Les Ballets C. de la B., to show how we live our utopia and the way we share … Documentary film seems to me to be an excellent medium both to emotionally get to our roots and to describe our history.«

    The film shows Platel’s efforts to become more closely acquainted with the circumstances of his dancers and his trips to Burkina Faso and Vietnam, the contradictory reactions to Platel’s production »Wolf« at the Paris opera and its strong connection to his home city of Ghent. In the closing scene with the annual city festival, the boundaries of life and art become blurred – and we understand the origin of Platel’s creative genius.

    Am 11. und 12 Nov., jeweils 19.30 Uhr, findet das Gastspiel »vsprs« von Alain Platel/Fabrizio Cassol im Schauspielhaus statt. Im Anschluss: Publikumsgespräch

    Produktion: Patrice Nezan – Les films du présent, Frankreich / Lieven Thyrion – Viens!, Belgien / Daniel de Valck – Cobra Films, Belgien / ARTE France mit Unterstützung durch Centre national de la cinématographie / Procirep – angoa / vlaams audiovisueel fonds

    Voraufführung: 22.07.2006, Festival d’Avignon / Uraufführung: 16.10.2006, GentFrankreich – Belgien / Dauer: 110 Minuten / Farbe
    In flämischer, englischer und französischer Sprache mit englischen Untertiteln

    Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Les Ballets C. de la B., Gent, Les films du présent, Arles, und ARTE France, Strasbourg

    Choreografien: Koen Augustijnen, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Christine De Smedt, Alain Platel

    Kamera: Samuel Dravet

    Ton: Jan Deca

    Schnitt: Michèle Hubinon

    Einführung und Gespräch: Alain Platel

    Moderation: Klemens Wannenmacher, Rotterdam

    Archive 2006

    16th festival