

Hotel Pro Forma, Copenhagen

Saturday 11. Nov. // 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Sunday 12. Nov. // 05:00 – 06:15 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels


    The weird instrument gives the voices an extraterrestrial sound. Vibrato, distorted, sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes old, sometimes young. The mothers, wives, schoolgirls and other female companions of a notable man have their say in this piece – in the form of a single actress.

    »Theremin« tells of the life of the excellent but also ambivalent physicist and cellist Leon Theremin (born in St. Petersburg in 1896 as Lev Sergejewitch Termen, died in Moscow in 1993 at the age of 97). A century of Russian history, an existence between New York and Moscow, between captivity and espionage. Theremin invented the first electronic musical instrument of the world, which was initially called the aetherophone and later named after him. It produces sounds without being touched, simply by electronic vibrations caused by hand movements. Alfred Hitchcock used this sounds in his films and the abstraction of the generations and primarily the play of children have a similarly eerie effect.

    Hotel Pro Forma is Denmark’s most important experimental theatre group. Kirsten Dehlholm, born in Vejle in 1945, founded the company in 1985 and is still its manager. Hotel Pro Forma sees itself as an interdisciplinary production area working with artists from various fields such as actors, composers and architects and has made guest appearances in numerous countries. The biggest pieces in recent years include »Calling Clavigo« (2002) and »I am only apparently dead« (2005), a work in conjunction with the Danish national choir and based on texts by Hans Christian Andersen.

    »The performance in the well-known Hotel Pro Forma style, with slow movements and the perfect aesthetic style of almost clinical beauty, also includes a touch of nostalgia. An ode to remembrances, unique, fascinating« (Henrik Lyding, Jyllandsposten, Copenhagen, 11.03.2004).

    German premier

    Uraufführung: 09.03.2004, Danish National Radio House, Kopenhagen

    Internetseiten der Compagnie:

    Produktion: Hotel Pro Forma

    Das Gastspiel erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch The Danish Arts Council – Committee for the Performing Arts, Kopenhagen, Königlich Dänische Botschaft, Berlin, und Dänisches Kulturinstitut, Bonn.

    Konzept und Inszenierung: Kirsten Dehlholm, Willie Flindt

    Musik: Gert Sørensen

    Libretto: Michael Valeur

    Bühnenbild und Lichtdesign: Steffen Aarfing

    Kostüme: Anne Mette Sørensen

    Technische Leitung: Jesper Sønderstrup

    Darsteller: Maria Rich, Lars Bjørn, William Rosenberg

    Kinder: Anna Svideniouk Egholm, Igor Svideniouk Egholm, Adam Emme Jørgensen, Sophus Moseholm

    Musikerin: Lydia Kavina, Theremin

    In dänischer Sprache mit deutscher Übertitelung

    Archive 2006

    16th festival