Conjunto di NERO
Emio Greco|PC, Amsterdam
Friday 4. Nov. and Saturday 5. Nov. // 07:30 – 08:45 p.m.
The body reveals itself, with all its instinctive impulses, as the visionary of a transcendent world. A dark and morbid secret crosses the shadowy stage. The swan lake lies like a gloomy hole in the mist. Areas of synchronised dance fall into precisely calculated shifts, the unity of the actors is shattered and regained. Smoke rises, a sad song is played from somewhere.
The universe of Emio Greco & Pieter C. Scholten took the European dance scene by storm at the end of the 90s. Their work is regarded as a new language and a new dance form, which can only be poorly described by minimalism on the threshold of darkness and silence as a physical event. The light is an integral element, which creates atmosphere and draws the dancers like a vacuum then swallows them up.
»Conjunto di NERO« (Italo-Spanish, roughly: »conjunction of black«) is the first ensemble work by the Emio Greco |PC company to deal with exploration of the body and the perception of light and darkness. The choreography is based on the abstract theatrical conjunction of classic and post-modern forms of expression.
Emio Greco, born in Brindisi/Southern Italy, graduated from a classical ballet education and has danced for Jan Fabre and Saburo Teshigawara. In 1995, he founded the Emio Greco |PC company along with Dutch director and dramatist Pieter C. Scholten, born in Vlaardingen. He celebrated international successes with his solos of both the foundation trilogy »Fra Cervello e Movimento« (»Between Brain and Movement«) – »Bianco«, »Rosso« and »Extra Dry« (1996-99) – and the »Double Points«-choreographies (1998-2002).
»Emio Greco’s flawless, precise, fast-paced dance is the art of a man obsessed.« (Bettina Trouwborst, Westdeutsche Zeitung, Düsseldorf, 02.03.2003).
Uraufführung: 05.07.2001, Montpellier
Produktion: Emio Greco | PC
Koproduktion: Montpellier Danse, Théâtre National de Bretagne / Rennes
Internetseiten der Compagnie:
Das Gastspiel erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung
der Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande, Berlin.
Choreografie, Inszenierung, Bühnenbild, Licht- und Tonkonzept: Emio Greco, Pieter C. Scholten
Musik: Michael Gordon
Toncollage Wim Selles
Kostüme: Clifford Portier
Lichtdesign und technische Leitung: Henk Danner
Videoprojektionen: Erik Lint
Tänzer: Emio Greco, Sawami Fukuoka, Barbara Meneses, Nicola Monaco, Suzan Tunca, Jordi Martin de Antonio
Im Anschluss an beide Vorstellungen findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt.
Moderation: André Thériault, Künstlerische Leitung TanzWerkstatt Berlin (04. Nov. 2005) / Claudia Henne, Journalistin, Berlin (05. Nov. 2005)