The Intelligence of the Heart
Helsinki Dance Company, Helsinki
Ein Tanzstück
Tuesday 4. Nov. // 07:30 – 09:00 p.m.
German premier
One who loves is like a vampire. All or nothing, love takes its toll. There’s a reason we say: »I love you so much, I could eat you.« And, for the egoism of love, sucking the blood of the other is, like the imminence of death, a total feeling that borders sometimes on the limits of the endurable.
The piece »The Intelligence of the Heart« (in Finnish »Sydämen Äly«) from Nigel Charnock fluctuates between dance, musical, drama and show. Charnock’s English black humour blends with the coolness of the Finnish north in a most spirited manner. The performers play-act in wigs and costumes before they change into people from modern times and, always between irony and seriousness, pay tribute to the sensitivity of the heart as the fundamental energy for existence.
Born in 1961, Nigel Charnock founded the DV8 Physical Theatre in London together with Lloyd Newson in 1985. Since 1996, he’s been working with his own company. His choreographies always have something to do with sex, love, God and death. With his solo performance »Fever« (1999), which is based on Shakespeare’s love sonnets, he appeared all over Europe.
Along with the classical ballet at the opera house, the Finnish capital has the Helsinki Dance Company at the City Theatre. After previous direction from, among others, Jorma Uotinen, Carolyn Carlson and Kenneth Kvarnström, Charnock took over the artistic direction of Finland’s largest contemporary dance company in January of 2003.
Textpassagen in englischer Sprache. Eine deutsche Übersetzung ist erhältlich.
Uraufführung: 10.02.2002
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Produktion: Helsinki City Theatre
Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung der BMW Group, München, der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Helsinki und der Botschaft von Finnland, Berlin.
Choreografie, Text, Bühnenbild und Kostüme: Nigel Charnock
Musik: J. S. Epperson, Domenico Scarlatti, William Albright, Orlando Gibbons, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Strauss, Dino Fekaris, Freddie Perren
Lichtdesign: Vesa Ellilä
Tänzer: Sofia Hilli, Kirsi Karlenius, Harri Kuorelahti, Kai Lähdesmäki, Janne Marja-aho, Unto Nuora, Ville Sormunen, Inka Tiitinen, Kaisa Torkkel, Tove Wingren