Club Astrid

Club Astrid

Victoria, Ghent

Saturday 16. Nov. and Sunday 17. Nov. // 10:00 – 11:15 p.m.
Flossplatz 3

    Ein Bewegungs-Theater-Stück

    Eight youths in a club. It’s not an exclusive club for which you need a membership card. Everyone can come and go as he pleases. And it pleases everyone. The young people drink together or harass each other, flirt or want to recreate the world before they get bored to death and feel lonelier in the community than they’ve ever felt before.

    The carefree manner of a young generation vehemently clears a path and strolls along in colorful theatrics, dance, music, motion and text in different languages. This piece doesn’t fit into any one drawer, but instead needs a whole chest for itself. A barrage of energy and cheerfulness, and nevertheless moments of seriousness and sadness flicker in through the crack in the door of the club.

    Lies Pauwels – Victoria – Gent – Les Ballets C. de la B – Alain Platel. That’s a big »family« in this beautiful city of Flanders, a 25-minute train ride from Brussels, from which the euro-scene Leipzig has continued to invite productions for several years. Lies Pauwels had big roles herself in Alain Platel’s »Bernadetje« (1997) and »Allemaal Indiaan« (2000) – both productions from the youth theater and »talent scout« Victoria, as well – before she created her own first production with »Club Astrid.« Also, the actors have played in various pieces with Victoria or Les Ballets C. de la B – thus a reunion of sorts with this fresh, original example of aesthetics from Gent that transcends all genre borders.

    Final Night

    Uraufführung: 07.03.2001, Gent

    Internetseiten der Compagnie:

    Produktion: Victoria/Gent

    Koproduktion: De Brakke Grond/Amsterdam

    Victoria wird unterstützt durch Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap/Flämische Regierung, Brüssel.

    Konzept, Text und Inszenierung: Lies Pauwels

    Musikcollage: Johan Pycke

    Bühnenbild: Kwinten Lavigne

    Lichtdesign: Stefaan Deldaele

    Darsteller: Ben Benaouisse, Sylvie Buytaert, Frederik Debrock, Anna Geering, Diederik Peeters, Gert Portael, Helmut Van Den Meersschaut, Johanna Pycke

    Archive 2002

    12th Festival Year