Looking through eardrums

Looking through eardrums

Compagnie eaRIS, Brussels

Friday 15. Nov. and Saturday 16. Nov. // 10:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Neue Szene

    Tanzstück für Zirkusbälle und Musik

    A charming theatrical performance, somewhere between variety theater, dance and concert. A story without history, told with sounds, thrown balls and bodies. With a juggler, dancer and four musicians, the musical journey leads to the realm of the imagination. Filigreed choreography through which each sixteenth note becomes one with the movement. A performance full of charm that, in a strange way, successfully joins together with an ambitious composition falling under the label »contemporary music.«

    In an extremely lively fashion, movement, visual theater and sounds are combined. One senses the trust between the various arts when the juggler becomes the metronome for the musician and the dance frees itself from the juggler’s time. Three languages communicate with each other without words, and the sounds of the flying balls take over the order of the room and the flow of time.

    Pieter Schuermans received his training for the flute, double bass and composition in Tessenderlo, Italy and Louvain, Belgium. He gave numerous concerts and, for several years, has been composing for chamber orchestras, symphony orchestras and choruses. His brother Toon graduated from the National Art Center for Circus in Chalons-sur-Saône, France and the School for Circus Art in Brussels. He gives workshops and international juggling courses. France Perpête was originally a gymnast and then a dancer in the company Incidence and has created several choreographies. The musicians are employed by various symphony orchestras in Belgium.

    Uraufführung: 16.04.2002, Brüssel

    Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.llasbl.be

    Produktion: Théâtre de L’L, Festival »Danse en vol«, Brüssel

    Die Compagnie wird unterstützt durch Direction générale de la Culture de la Communauté française, Programm »1500 heures pour danser« de la SACD, Contredanse, Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre, Scoot, Kiosque, Commune d’Ixelles a I’initiative de I’Echevinat de la Culture.

    Das Gastspiel in Leipzig erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Le Commissariat Général aux Relations Internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique.

    Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Stadtwerke Leipzig

    Inszenierung: France Perpête, Pieter Schuermans, Toon Schuermanns

    Komposition: Pieter Schuermans

    Lichtdesign: Michel Delvigne

    Kostüme: Natacha Belova

    Darsteller: France Perpête, Tänzerin, Toon Schuermans, Jongleur

    Musiker: Lieven Baert, Violoncello, Nele Cornillie, Violine, Pieter Schuermans, Kontrabass, Hans Van Hulle, Klarinette

    Archive 2002

    12th Festival Year