Fringe programme 1998 (selected presentations)

Fringe programme 1998 (selected presentations)

    »Poesie der Körpersprache«
    (»Poetry of the body language«)
    with Lina do Carmo, Köln/Brazil

    Discussion about »Im (Goldenen) Schnitt I« (»In the (golden) ratio«)
    with Cesc Gelabert, Barcelona
    and video lecture about Gerhard Bohner
    Presentation: Cosima Santoro, Berlin

    »Gerhard Bohner und Tanz-Theater-Geschichte«
    (»Gerhard Bohner ans Dance-Theatre-History«)
    A video portrait by Cosima Santoro, Berlin

    »Bach – ein Komponist für zeitgenössischen Tanz?«
    (»Bach – a composer for contemporary dance?«)
    Discussion with participants of the
    »Internationale Bach-Nacht« (»International Bach-Night«)
    and students of the Universität Leipzig
    Presentation: Claudia Jeschke, Leipzig

    »b – a – c – h«
    7 chapters about a musician
    GDR 1975, Direction: Georg F. Mielke

    »Bachsche Choreografien – weltweit«
    (»Bach-like choreographies – worldwide«)
    Video lecture by Claudia Jeschke, Leipzig

    »Europa tanzt nach Bach«
    (»Europe dance after Bach«)
    Discussion with Alain Platel, Ghent / Roel Dieltiens, Antwerp / Carles Santos, Barcelona / Ina Rager, Vienna / Georg Christoph Biller, Thomaskantor, Leipzig / Irina Pauls, Oldenburg – Leipzig
    Presentation: Michael Hametner, Leipzig

    (in cooperation with Schaubühne Lindenfels)
    \ »Danton«
    France/Poland/FRG 1982, Direction: Andrzej Wajda
    with Gérard Depardieu, Angela Winkler among others
    \ »Chronik der Anna Magdalena Bach«
    (»Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach« )
    FRG/Italy 1968, Direction: Jean-Marie Straub
    Presentation: Fred Gehler, Leipzig

    Archive 1998

    8th Festival Year