

Ina Rager, Vienna

Wednesday 11 Nov. and Thursday 12 Nov. // 10:00 p.m – ca. 12:45 a.m.

    German premier

    Ina Rager was born 1969 in Salzburg. Since 1984, after her basic dance training in Salzburg, Vienna and Copenhagen, she specialised in the various techniques of Butoh, contemporary, ethnic and performing dance. After 1990 she worked as a street performer in many European and Asian cities and performed in numerous productions, e. g. at the Serapionstheater and the Tanz*Hotel in Vienna and the Tanztheater Ikarus in Klagenfurt. She taught physical theatre in Vienna and Copenhagen. Since 1993 she created several of her own pieces and guest performed with »Bella« at festivals in Graz, Vienna, Carinthia and Klagenfurt. Leipzig is her first venue abroad as a guest performer.

    Uraufführung: 20.11.1993, Wien
    Produktion: Ina Rager, Wien / WUK-Festival »Spätschicht«, Wien

    Konzeption, Choreografie, Bühne und Kostüm: Ina Rager

    Inszenierung: Michael Halbig

    Musik: John Lurie »Bella by Barlight« und Johann Sebastian Bach, aus »Goldberg-Variationen«

    Tänzerin: Ina Rager

    Archive 1998

    8th Festival Year