Lélekbörtön (The prison of soul)

Lélekbörtön (The prison of soul)

Compagnie Pál Regös, Budapest

Saturday 23 Nov. // 10:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Sunday 24 Nov. // 05:00 – 06:00 p.m.

    Movement drama after the diary by Birger Sellin

    »i am only a human nonentity character who stepped out of the darkness of the autistic world to make contact the human entity beings of my own kind – but i cannot participate in their lives because my world still imprisons me – i am still searching for a way out so that i can meet them« (Birger Sellin).

    Birger Sellin is severely handicapped since the age of two. Born 1973 in at that time West Berlin, he discovered after 17 years of silence the possibility to communicate in writing with the help of a computer. His texts are absolutely shattering in their honesty, depth of sensitivity and inner vision. Their publication in 1993 became an international best seller.

    The fears and the loneliness of the youth had a strong effect on the Hungarian mime Pál Regös. Autistic people do not escape from their dungeons due to their own inabilities, we deliberately lock in our emotions and urges. The world of our inner voices often remains unheard in daily life and we forgot how to establish a real relationship to the people surrounding us. This sick person could teach us, to react more sensible at one’s own illness.

    Pál Regös belongs to Europe’s greatest mimes and was, amongst others, trained by Marcel Marceau. Today he works in various countries as a solo actor and workshop maven. In his advanced age embodies Regös the young Birger, the young Gabriella Salz is not only his mother, but also yearning and Madonna. That is how people and life cycles, reinforced by the meditative music of Vienna’s Robert Julian Horky, obtain an immense significance.

    German Premier

    Produktion: Compagnie Pál Regös, Budapest / Szkéné Theater Budapest (Premiere 1996)

    Konzeption, Inszenierung und Choreografie: Pál Regös

    Musik: Robert Julian Horky

    Bühnenbild: Margit Balla

    Kostüme: Kata Poór

    Lichtdesign: Gábor Tamás

    Darsteller: Pál Regös (der Mann), Gabriella Salz (die Frau)

    Die Musik wird eingespielt.

    Archive 1996

    6th Festival Year