2 dance 2 gether

2 dance 2 gether

Danskern, Amsterdam

Sunday 17 Nov. // 05:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Schauspielhaus / Probebühne

    Modern ballets after Paul Klee and Egon Schiele

    Two famous twentieth century painters were the inspiration for these two demanding pas de deux. The Swiss Paul Klee (1879-1940) is regarded as one of the great innovators of European art. His pictures possess qualities of cheerfulness, irony and tragedy simultaneously; his art evokes both the power of human mortality and that of universal eternity. The 1932 painting »Ad parnassum« forms the background to this abstract ballet.

    As a contrast, »Me, Egon« is based on a real period in the life of Egon Schiele (1890-1991), one of the most important representatives of Austrian art nouveau. Wally Neuzil was his model and lover for four years, and her fascinating eroticism can be seen in many of Schiele’s paintings.

    Before they turned to dancing duets, Maureen Krumeich and Adriaan Kans danced in large companies, performing works by world-reknowned choreographers such as Doris Humphrey, José Limón and Anna Sokolow.

    German premiers

    Choreografien: Adriaan Kans

    Tänzer: Maureen Krumeich, Adriaan Kans

    »Cycle ∞« (»Zyklus ∞«)

    Musik: Charles Ives, Concord Sonata
    Olivier Messiaen, Visions d l’Amen

    Bühnenbild: Joep Mutsaers, Nancy Kerkhofs, Leontine Franssen
    nach dem Gemälde »Ad Parnassum« von Paul Klee

    »Me, Egon« (»Ich, Egon«)

    Musik: Johann Sebastian Bach, Suite Nr. 2 d-moll für Violoncello solo

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    Archive 1991

    1st Festival