Histoire d’un huis clos (Story behind closed doors)

Histoire d’un huis clos (Story behind closed doors)

Itinerrances, Marseille

Friday 15 Nov. // 07:30 p.m. Sunday 17 Nov. // 05:00 p.m.
Neue Szene

    German premier

    »Hell is other people« – a quote from Sartre’s play »Huis-clos«, written in 1945, after which this passionate dance-drama was created. A daily hell is like living with someone, who always causes suffering, although they are the object of desire. The relationship between a man and two women is full of secrets, both hidden and discovered, and the hell of our existence lies between tenderness and violence, ignorance and knowledge.

    The thirty-year-old Christine Fricker changed her career as a dancer in the Marseille Opera classical ballet when she turned to modern dance in New York. She created her first dance-drama in 1990 with »Story behind closed doors«.

    »A choreographer is born … a masterpiece from Christine Fricker« (Taktik, Marseille, 28.03.1991).

    After themes from Jean Paul Sartre’s play »Behind closed doors«

    Choreografie: Christine Fricker

    Musik: Moondog, John Lurie, Made to Measure – Volume 17, John Surnam, Wim Mertens, Franz Schubert, Kronos quartett, Phill Glass

    Bühnenbild: Fabrice Pruvos

    Kostüme: Corinne Fricker

    Tänzer Adriane Alosi, Joëlle Driguez, Patrick Servius

    Archive 1991

    1st Festival Year