Fringe programme 1991 (selected presentations)

Fringe programme 1991 (selected presentations)

Lecture demonstrations
with Gayle Tufts, Jo Fabian, Brigitte Bergese & Michael Kulow

»Sternstunden des modernen polnischen Theaters«
(»Magic moments of modern Polnish theatre«)
Video-Lectures by Janusz Marek, Warsaw,
about Jerzy Grotowski, Tadeusz Kantor and actual highlights

»Avantgarde – muss das sein?«
(»Avant-garde – is it really necessary?«)
The euro-scene Leipzig ’91 at cross fire
Panel discussion
with audience, artists, scientists, journalists, Kulturamt Leipzig and the organisers of the festival
Presentation: Dr. Petra Stuber, Leipzig

Archive 1991

1st Festival Year